Deer Lakes

School District

Future Ready PA Index

About the Future Ready PA Index

In 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Education introduced the Future Ready PA Index, a one-stop location for comprehensive information and data on student and school performance.

The Future Ready PA Index highlights academic proficiency, or how students are mastering state standards required for graduation. The indicators also highlight how students are progressing to college or career readiness following high school graduation.

The index contains more than simply test scores; indicators include growth, achievement, and other data by student group, including economically  disadvantaged students, English Learners, students receiving special education services, and racial and ethnic groups.

For additional information, access: Future Ready PA Index



Bobbi-Ann Barnes
Assistant Superintendent
19 East Union Road
Cheswick, PA 15024
Phone: 724.265.5300
Fax: 724.265.5025

Understanding Future Ready PA Index (PPT)

Future Ready PA Index Overview
Deer Lakes' Future Ready Results