Deer Lakes

School District



 Grade 9 1.00 Credit  Level 1 Course # 1511
Biology is specifically designed to prepare students for the topics covered on the Biology Keystone Exam.  Students will develop skills by reading the BIOZONE text, keeping an organized Drive, completing daily Bell-Ringers, and using these resources during Unit assessments.  Students will bring their charged Chromebook to class to engage in Google Classroom, EdPuzzle, Quizlet, GIZMOs, and laboratory activities to explore the biological world.  The structure and leadership provided within this course will help students in developing a solid work ethic and life-long learning skills.  Cooperative activities and computer-based simulations permit students to express their knowledge while learning to work alongside others.  Students who take this course will be scheduled to take the Biology Keystone Exam in May.

Topics include:  basic biological principles, the chemical basis for life, bioenergetics, homeostasis & transport, cell growth & reproduction, genetics, theory of evolution, and ecology.