Lancer Academy Online Learning is an online learning option for students who reside in the Deer Lakes School District and will be entering grades K-12. Lancer Academy provides children with virtual learning, along with the opportunity to participate in all Middle and High School activities. The goal is to bring flexibility and options to the children of Deer Lakes while building the necessary skills for success.
Students who participate in Lancer Academy Online Learning will enjoy all the benefits of being a Deer Lakes student, including participating on our athletics teams and other extracurricular activities, attending AW Beattie Career Center, attending school functions and events like Homecoming and the Prom, earning a Deer Lakes School District diploma and participating in graduation ceremonies, while receiving a customized, student-centered education that meets individual educational and social needs.
A Quality Online Education Begins Here

Teachers: All courses offered through Lancer Academy Online Learning are taught by highly qualified, Pennsylvania-certified teachers. All teachers have received comprehensive training in best practices and pedagogy for online teaching and interactive learning.
Core Curriculum: Each Deer Lakes course fully incorporates all standards as set forth by the PA Department of Education for that course.
Course Rigor: Each course is designed with the rigor and quality of instruction of a traditional classroom. Lessons and assessments are designed to challenge students and encourage inquiry while fostering individual needs and learning styles. Because students have more flexibility in an online course, they move through the material at a more customized pace.
Computer and Internet Access: In Lancer Academy Online Learning, students can be supplied with a laptop fully loaded with Google Classroom.
Vocational Technical Programs: In partnership with AW Beattie Career Center, which provides over 20 half-day technical programs, students will have the option to pursue courses in skilled labor and industry-based technology programs.
Post-Secondary: Students and families will be able to take advantage of college and career planning by participating in assemblies, programs, career and scheduling fairs, and onsite visits from college and university representatives and military personnel.
Contact Lancer Academy
Michael River
Coord., Online Learning Support
163 East Union Road
Cheswick, PA 15024
Phone: 724.265.5320 Ext. 2233
Email: mriver@deerlakes.net
Credit Recovery Students
Students can recover lost credit online in the summer, or during the school year when completing their remaining coursework in the classroom. However, students will be required to pay for those courses.