Deer Lakes

School District

Clearances and Mandates

Employment Law

In recent years, the state has updated its Child Protective Services Law, which amended School Code and directly affects all new or existing employees, contractors with direct contact with students and volunteers. 

An employee is an individual who has been, or will be, school board-approved - which includes substitutes, coaches, and extracurricular sponsors. All of these individuals need to obtain new clearances every 60 months. The employee is responsible to purchase and bring clearances to Human Resources prior to the expiration date every 60 months. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. New employees are required to initially submit clearances to their employers that are dated within 60 months.

This is a statewide mandate which affects all school districts and businesses working within a district.

Please be aware that the Act 34 and Act 151 clearances are available online can be done anytime. You will need to register online for the FBI fingerprint clearance and then go to an approved  provider for your fingerprints.  Click here for step-by-step directions for how to properly complete your FBI fingerprint clearance

Under Act 15 of 2015 (the Act), which amended the provisions of the Child Protective Services Law, volunteers who are responsible for the child’s welfare or who have “direct volunteer contact” with children at a school are required to undergo background checks.

Volunteers must also obtain certifications for clearance.  That complete information can be found here.  Also, please note that a fingerprint based federal criminal history (Federal Bureau of Investigation) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent IS REQUIRED IF THE VOLUNTEER IS CHAPERONING A FIELD TRIP.  

Employee Mandates

PA Act 126: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Act
This act requires professional development for all school entities in specific areas:

  • The recognition and reporting of child abuse
  • The Pennsylvania Educator Misconduct Act
  • Maintenance of professional relationships with students 

All employees of a school district who have direct contact with children must be trained.  This training shall be a minimum of three hours and cover all required topics. 

The intent of the training requirement is to protect the children of Pennsylvania by ensuring that all those working with them understand how to recognize and report suspected child abuse.

You can access free online training by going to the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center:; or contact 717.795.9048. 

Register for the Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania Online Training Instructions:

Please make sure to complete all fields accurately. Please refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section after you login.

This course is approved for three (3) continuing education credits and has been approved by the PA Department of Human Services and Department of State to meet mandated reporting (PA Act 31) license requirements. All other licensing-related questions should be referred to your respective Board(s).

Upon completion of the course you will be prompted to print out the Mandated Reporter Training Certificate.  Please send a copy of the certificate to the Human Resources office within 30 days of your hire date or recertification date. 
In addition, as required by law, any arrest or conviction for an offense enumerated under 24 P.S. 1-111(e) needs to be reported in writing by filling out the attached form within seventy-two (72) hours of arrest or conviction.

Notice of Anti-Discrimination

Deer Lakes School District will not discriminate in its education program activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, gender, religion, ancestry, disability, union membership or any other legal protected classification. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws, including Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and Sections 5043 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the America with Disabilities Act of 1990.


All employees are required to present three clearances before beginning employment: State Police Criminal Background History, Child Abuse Clearance and the FBI Federal Background Check. For information on how to apply for clearances, please click the below links.