Deer Lakes

School District

School Counseling Services

High School Renew Room


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The Deer Lakes School Counseling Services Department, formerly known as Guidance, offers a variety of support services for our students.

Dedicated counselors work with students, families and staff to assist in the academic planning, college and career development and personal/social growth for each student. Our goal is to provide assistance, encouragement and support for students as they develop and prepare for their future. The resources offered through this site will assist students and their parents in gathering information on topics such as colleges, careers, scholarships, financial aid, and academic assistance.

There is also a quick link to crisis contact numbers in the case of an emergency.
Each Deer Lakes student is assigned a school counselor from the day they walk through our doors until they leave. At the high school level, one counselor is assigned to students with the last names A-L, while another counselor is assigned to students with the last names M-Z.  There are also dedicated school counselors at each of our other three buildings, helping students in Kindergarten through eighth grade.

Parents may contact counselors for information or to arrange an appointment. Your student's school counselor contact information is listed in the adjacent margin.
To visit the school counseling services page at your student's school, choose from the drop-down menu below. 

Helpful Resources

Upcoming Events


Taylor Yuhasz
School Counselor
High School: 9th-12th, Last names M-Z
Phone: 724.265.5320 Ext. 2670
Fax: 724.265.5303
DLHS School Counseling Website: High School Home (

Tina Pascucci
School Counselor
High School: 9th-12th, Last names A-L
Phone: 724.265.5320 Ext. 2671
Fax: 724.265.5303 
DLHS School Counseling Website: High School Home ( 
Jackie Jaros
School Counselor
Middle School: Grades 6-8
Phone: 724.265.5310 Ext. 3670
Fax: 724.265.3711 
Angela Casile
School Counselor
East Union IC: Grades 3-5
Phone: 724.265.5330 Ext. 4670
Fax: 724.265.1699 
Jennifer Barnes
School Counselor
Curtisville PC: Grades K-2 
Phone: 724.265-5330 Ext. 5670
Fax: 724.265.1488 

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday:
8 AM - 4 PM