Deer Lakes

School District


This page includes links to commonly requested Deer Lakes School District information and forms (including student registration forms, use of facilities, etc.). The top section includes district-wide information like immunization requirements, new student registration, etc.  The drop-down menu at the bottom is for school-specific forms. 

Health & Wellness

 Dental Form
 Individualized Emergency/Health Care Plan - Anaphylaxis
 Individualized Emergency/Health Care Plan - Asthma
 Individualized Emergency/Health Care Plan - Blank
 Individualized Emergency/Health Care Plan - Diabetic
 Individualized Emergency/Health Care Plan - Seizure
 Medication Permission Form
 PA State Physical Form

Curtisville Primary Center Forms

 Curtisville Educational Tour or Trip Form
 Home Language Survey
 Physical Form

Registration Packets

 Grade 1 & 2 Registration Packet
 Kindergarten - New School Year Registration
 Kindergarten - Transfering from Another School
 Dental Form for New Kindergarten
 Parental Registration Statement
 Physical Form for New Kindergarten

Deer Lakes School District is one of 43 school districts in Allegheny County in partnership with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and the United Way of Allegheny County's Hi 5! Kindergarten Here I Come early registration campaign.

East Union Intermediate School Forms

 East Union Registration Packet
 East Union Application for Educational Tour or Trip Form

CHIP Insurance Program

Click here for more information


Health & Wellness


Curtisville Primary Center

Registration Packet

For students in grades K or 1, 6 and 11. The Pennsylvania School Health Law requires all students in Kindergarten have a physical examination at these levels. Please submit this information to your child's school nurse.