OVERVIEWThe Deer Lakes board of school directors consists of nine individuals who are elected at large by the citizens of East Deer, Frazer and West Deer townships. School Board members are both state and local officials. Though elected locally, they serve on behalf of the Pennsylvania state legislature. Each director serves without compensation for a term of four years.
The school board's primary responsibilities include:
- Provide for the education of all children
- Set district policies and regulations regarding school activities
- Adopt textbooks
- Hire a superintendent, principals, teachers, and other staff
- Adopt an annual school district budget
- Levy taxes
Other Information• If you are a homeowner in our school district who has not completed a
Homestead/Farmstead exclusion application, we encourage you to do so. If you have previously completed an application, you do not need to so again. Homeowners who completed their application will see a sizable reduction on their school property tax bill.
• School board meetings are typically the held in the Deer Lakes High School library at 6:30 p.m. on the second (agenda meetings) and third (voting meetings) Tuesday of each month. However, meetings are subject to change with proper public notification. Please check this page for the most up-to-date information on our school board meetings.
• The Deer Lakes school board encourages all community members to attend its meetings and to make public comments at those meetings.
Comments at the beginning of committee and regular meetings will be accepted on agenda items only, and there will be an opportunity to address the board at the end of the meeting on non-agenda items.
At each public school board meeting, in accordance with the law and Deer Lakes' procedures and policy, prior to official action by the board, community members will have the opportunity to provide public comment for three minutes per speaker. The policy also stipulates that public participation may not exceed 30 minutes unless otherwise decided by a majority of the board present.
Community members are encouraged to present written statements to the school board containing remarks or comments. Instead of formally speaking on agenda items, or in the event time allotted for public participation has already been filled, written comments regarding agenda items may be submitted to the
board’s secretary, who is tasked with delivering the same to the board members before its next meeting if received in a timely manner. Non-residents who wish to address the board can do so by submitting a request form prior to the meeting, which can be obtained at the district's administrative offices.
Please click here to see the board policy associated with public participation in school board meetings.
• You may contact the Deer Lakes board of school directors via email. The board requests that all correspondence, whether by email or traditional mail, include the sender’s name, address and phone number.