Deer Lakes High School Discipline Guidelines
Level I Misbehaviors
Level I Misbehaviors are handled by individual staff member with administrative intervention as required. Action based on teacher and administrative judgment at local school level. Options include, but are not limited to: verbal reprimand, referral to counselors, withdrawal of privileges, detention, conference or other action as needed. Teachers are required to call home in order to assign a disciplinary consequence.
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Cafeteria Misbehavior | I | Isolate student at lunch 3 days or reprimand at discretion of staff on duty. | Isolate student at lunch 5 days or reprimand at discretion of staff on duty. | Additional offenses/admin. judgment parental notification. |
Dress Code Violation | I | Warning | 1 Detention | 1 day In School Suspension |
Hall Misbehavior | I | Administrative discretion. | Administrative discretion. | |
Horseplay/Unsafe Act | I | Administrative discretion./staff response. | | |
Library Misbehavior | I | Library suspension for a period of time at the discretion of the Librarian. | Library suspension for the remainder of the school year. |
Public Display of Affection | I | One (1) Detention; parent/guardian notification. | One (1) day In School Suspension. | |
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Other Behaviors Unbecoming of a Student of Deer Lakes | I | Administrative discretion/Staff response. | | |
Cell phone (or other electronic device) use during school day (7:35 AM – 2:35 PM) | I | Warning | 1 Detention | 1 day In School Suspension |
Classroom Disturbance | I | Staff response according to classroom rules and consequences |
Disregard for Classroom Rules | I | Staff response according to classroom rules and consequences |
Level II Misbehaviors
Level II Misbehaviors require administrative intervention. A continuation of Level I Misbehaviors. Teachers are required to call home in order to assign a disciplinary consequence.
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Cheating/plagiarism on an Assignment | 2 | One (1) day of In school suspension for each incident; 0% grade with no credit given for the test. No opportunity will be provided for make-up of the test. |
Class Cutting | 2 | According to District Policy, a grade of “0” will be given for each day of “cut”. On the 5th class cut, student will receive no credit for the course. |
One (1) day In school suspension. Principal notifies parent/Guardian. | One (1) Saturday detention | Out of school suspension, administrative discretion. |
For each class cut, the student will receive two (2) weeks of Hall Pass Restriction |
Disruptive Classroom Behavior | 2 | One (1) day In school suspension; parent/guardian notification. | One (1) Saturday detention | One (1) Saturday detention. Referral to counselor. Referral to legal authorities when appropriate. |
Harassment/Bullying | 2 | Administrative discretion based upon the severity of the incident and previous incidents. Consequences could include: Counseling within the school; Parental conference; Loss of school privileges; Transfer to another classroom or bus; exclusion from school sponsored activities; detention; suspension; expulsion or referral to law enforcement. |
Leaving Classroom without Permission | 2 | One (1) day In school suspension. | One (1) Saturday detention | Out of school suspension with conference. |
Obscene Language or Acts and swearing | 2 | One (1) day In school suspension. | One (1) Saturday detention or administrative discretion | Administrative discretion |
Unwarranted physical contact/rough-housing | 2 | Up to three (3) days In school suspension | Up to five (5) days In school suspension | Up to three (3) days Out of school suspension |
School Truancy | 2 | Two (2) days In school suspension. Parent/guardian notified, legal authority notified and referred to Magistrate. | Three (3) days In school suspension. Parent/guardian notified, legal authority notified and referred to Magistrate. | Five (5) days In school suspension., Parent/guardian notified, legal authority notified and referred to Magistrate. |
Tardiness (School) | 2 | 3-5 unlawful tardies – Detention | 6 unlawful tardies – In school suspension; loss of driving/parking privileges for 30 days* | 7 or more unlawful tardies – Saturday detention for each offense |
Removal of driving/parking privileges for 60 school days on the 10th unlawful tardy More than ten (10) episodes of unlawful tardiness to school will result in a charge of truancy to be filed with the Magistrate’s office. Loss of driving/parking privileges for the remainder of the school year on the 15th unlawful tardy |
Tardiness (Class) | 2 | Same as school tardiness | | |
Unauthorized Area | 2 | One (1) day In school suspension; loss of pass privilege for four (4) weeks. | Three (3) days In school suspension. | Five (5) days In school suspension. |
Unsafe Act | 2 | Administrative discretion. | | |
Inappropriate use of Technology (Internet, computers, etc.) | 2 | One (1) Detention | One (1) day In school suspension | One (1) Saturday detention |
Third party encouragement to fight | 2 | One (1) Detention | One (1) day In school suspension | One (1) Saturday detention |
Conduct unbecoming of a Deer Lakes student | 2 | Administrative discretion | Administrative discretion | Administrative discretion |
Level III Misbehaviors
Level III Misbehaviors are an escalation of Level II Misbehaviors and may result in discipline through the school mechanism as well as through the legal authorities as deemed necessary by administration and/or the police.
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Disrespect for School Authority; Open defiance; Abusive language; Insubordination | 3 | One (1) day In school suspension | One (1) Saturday detention | Out of school suspension; parent/guardian conference. Temporary removal from class. Referral to outside agency and/or other sanctions as necessary. |
Ethnic Intimidation | 3 | Notify police as necessary; administrative discretion |
Extortion | 3 | Administrative discretion and documentation. |
Fighting | 3 | Three (3) days Out of school suspension; parent/guardian conference; refer to legal authorities; referral to CARE. | Five (5) days Out of school suspension; parent/guardian conference ; refer legal authority; referral to CARE. | Ten (10) days Out of school suspension; possible expulsion hearing; refer to legal authority; consideration given to an alternative educational placement within/outside of district setting. |
Leaving School without Permission | 3 | Three (3) days In school suspension; loss of driving/parking privileges for thirty (30) school days. | Three (3) days Out of school suspension for each additional violation; loss of driving/parking privileges for sixty (60) school days; parent/guardian conference requested upon return to school |
Possession and/or Use of Over the Counter Medications/Prescription Medications | 3 | Up to three (3) days In school suspension; referral to CARE | Up to five (5) days Out of school suspension; referral to CARE | Up to ten (10) days Out of school suspension; possible expulsion hearing; referral to CARE |
If the prescription is in another person’s name, refer to Level IV Illegal Substances and the Deer Lakes School District will implore the Drug and Alcohol policy. |
Possession of Pornographic Materials | 3 | Administrative discretion. | |
Possession and/or use of Tobacco Products | 3 | Two (2) days In school suspension; referral to Magistrate; referral to CARE. | Five (5) days In school suspension; referral to Magistrate. | Ten (10) days In school suspension; referral to Magistrate. |
Sexual Harassment | 3 | As per Board Policy. | |
Minor Altercation | 3 | Administrative discretion based on severity and circumstances. |
Tampering with a Fire Extinguisher | 3 | Administrative discretion. | Parental conference; notify police when appropriate. |
Theft | 3 | Up to 3 days out of school suspension; 45 days of social probation; parental conference; notify police when appropriate; restitution; other sanctions as necessary and based upon administrative discretion. |
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Violation of Driving Rules and Regulations | 3 | Administrative discretion as per driving rules and regulations; notify police when appropriate. |
Illegal Use of Cell Phones & Electronic Devices (recording a fight, putting a fight on the internet, unauthorized recording of conversations, etc.) | 3 | Up to three (3) days Out of school suspension; parent conference; refer to legal authorities if warranted. | Up to five (5) days Out of school suspension refer to legal authorities if warranted. | Up to ten (10) days Out of school suspension conference; refer to legal authorities if warranted. |
Level IV Misbehaviors
Level IV Misbehaviors may be criminal and require administrative actions that result in immediate removal of a student from school, the intervention of Law Enforcement authorities, and official Board action for possible expulsion.
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Arson | 4 | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Assault/Battery | 4 | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Bomb Threats | 4 | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. |
False Alarm | 4 | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Furnishing, Selling, Possession and/or Under the Influence of Illegal Substances, Alcohol and/or Paraphernalia | 4 | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian of incident and need for drug assessment prior to return to school; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. Upon returning to school, student will be referred to CARE team. For additional student limitations, please refer to District Co-curricular Rules and Regulations. |
Prohibiting Teacher or Administrator from Establishing/Maintaining Institutional Control. | 4 | Up to three (3) days Out of school suspension and possible notification to police. | Notify police; ten (10) day Out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit a complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion; placement in Alternative Education Program. | |
Possession/Use of Fireworks and/or Fire or Stink Bombs | 4 | Notify police; 10 day out of school suspension; notify parent/guardian; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion or placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Possession/Use/Transfer of Dangerous Weapons | 4 | Follow District Weapons Policy |
Sexual Act Between Two Students | 4 | A sexual act performed by a student or students which includes sexual intercourse, sexual contact or other behavior intended to result in sexual gratification will result in: notify parent/guardian; notify police; submit complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion; placement in an Alternative Education Program. |
Student Behavior | Level | First Offense | Second Offense | Third or More Offenses |
Teacher/Administrator Abuse/Verbal/Physical | 4 | Teacher contact parent/guardian; minimum one (1) day In school suspension; up to three (3) days out of school suspension Ten (10) days Out of school suspension; notify police; notify parent/guardian; submit a complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion; placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Terroristic Threats/Acts | 4 | Up to ten (10) days Out of school suspension; notify police; notify parent/guardian; submit a complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion; placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Definition of Terroristic Threats/Acts The school District recognizes the danger that terroristic threats and acts by students presents to the safety and welfare of district students, staff and community. The School District acknowledges the need for an immediate and effective response to a situation involving such a threat or act. The School District prohibits any district student from communicating terroristic threats or committing terroristic acts directed at any student, employee, Board Member, community member or school building. A terroristic threat shall mean a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize another, to cause evacuation of a building, or to cause serious public inconvenience, in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. A terroristic act shall mean an offense against property or involving danger to another person. |
Threats against Teacher/Administrator | 4 | Up to ten (10) days out of school suspension; notify police; notify parent/guardian; submit a complete and accurate report to the Superintendent for Board action; due process hearing; possible expulsion; placement in Alternative Education Program. |
Vandalism | 4 | Three (3) days out of school suspension; restitution; report to Superintendent; (Pecuniary loss of $149.99 or less) notify police for summary offense citation. Five (5) days out of school suspension; restitution; report to Superintendent; (Pecuniary loss of between $150.00 and $499.99) notify police for processing criminal filing of a 3rd degree misdemeanor. Ten (10) days out of school suspension; restitution; social probation; report to Superintendent for possible Board action. (Pecuniary loss of $500.00 or greater) Notify police for processing criminal filing that is appropriate under PA Title 18. |