Deer Lakes

School District

Student Conduct

Student Conduct

Conduct in the Hallways
To ensure safe passage through the halls both between classes and during classes, students are expected to keep the following in mind:
  • Keep halls open to traffic by walking to the right. Do not block traffic by standing in groups. Keep in mind that passing  time between classes this year is only three minutes.
  • Pass through the corridors quietly. Be considerate of others in the halls and in classrooms. This rule must be followed at lunch times.
  • Refrain from running, pushing and other unsafe activities while in the hallways.
  • Respect your school. Deposit all trash in proper containers.
Hall Pass Procedures
Students will not be permitted in the hallways or the restroom during class periods unless they have a hall pass issued by a teacher. It is important therefore that students use the restroom between classes in such a way that will not cause congestion or crowding. Staff members will closely monitor the restroom areas and keep the flow of traffic around them to a minimum.
Student Conduct at All School Events
All students are expected to do their very best to exercise self-discipline and good behavior at all times, at all school events  and activities. All school rules must be followed as if a regular school day were in progress. A student may be excluded from all Deer Lakes School District events, if his or her conduct is not appropriate.
Courtesy must be shown toward all visitors, hosts, opponents, and officials. Inappropriate chants or cheers, booing opponents or officials are unacceptable behaviors. Despite your feelings at the moment, courtesy and good sportsmanship are recognized traditions in the Deer Lakes School District.
The Board recognizes the importance of a safe school environment relative to the educational process. Possession of weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is prohibited by law.
For the Halloween festivities, students may not have a toy (facsimile) sword, knife, gun, or weapon as defined in the Firearms/Weapons Policy as part of a Halloween costume.

The Board recognizes that the abuse of controlled substances is a serious problem with legal, physical and social implications for the whole school community. As an educational institution, the schools shall strive to prevent abuse of controlled substances. To promote this policy, the district provides instruction for students about the effects of drug and controlled substance use. Furthermore, the district subscribes to state and federal laws concerning the use of drugs and other controlled substances.
        For purposes of this policy, controlled substances shall include all:
  1. Controlled substances prohibited by federal and state law.
  2. Look-alike drugs.
  3. Alcoholic beverages.
  4. Anabolic steroids.
  5. Drug paraphernalia.
  6. Any volatile solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited to glue and aerosol products.
  7. Substances that when ingested cause a physiological effect that is similar to the effect of a controlled substance as defined by state or federal law.
  8. Prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) medications, except those for which permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Board Policy 227.
For purposes of this policy, under the influence shall include any consumption or ingestion of controlled substances by a student. For purposes of this policy, look-alike drug shall include any pill, capsule, tablet, powder, plant matter or other item or substance that is designed or intended to resemble a controlled substance prohibited by this policy, or is used in a manner likely to induce others to believe the material is a controlled substance.
The Board prohibits students from using, possessing, distributing, and being under the influence of any controlled substances during school hours, at any time while on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, and during the time spent traveling to and from school and to and from school-sponsored activities.
Students shall be disciplined for such use, possession or distribution of drugs or other controlled substances, including but not limited to suspension from school or school-sponsored activities, expulsion and referral for prosecution, in accordance with law, regulations and Board policy. The Board may require participation in drug counseling, rehabilitation, testing or other programs as a condition of reinstatement into the school's educational, extracurricular or athletic programs resulting from violations of this policy.
The Board prohibits the use of anabolic steroids by students involved in school related athletics, except for a valid medical purpose. Body building and muscle enhancement, increasing muscle bulk or strength, or the enhancement of athletic ability are not valid medical purposes. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) shall not be included as an anabolic steroid. Students shall be made aware of the dangers of steroid use; that anabolic steroids are classified as controlled substances; and that their use, unauthorized possession, purchase, or sale could subject students to suspension, expulsion and/or criminal prosecution.
The following minimum penalties are prescribed for any student athlete found in violation of the prohibited use of anabolic steroids:
  1. For a first violation, suspension from school athletics for the remainder of the season.
  2. For a second violation, suspension from school athletics for the remainder of the season and for the following season.
  3. For a third violation, permanent suspension from school athletics.
No student shall be eligible to resume participation in school athletics unless a medical determination has been submitted, verifying that no residual evidence of steroids exists.
Reasonable Suspicion/Testing 
If based on the student's behavior, medical symptoms, vital signs or other observable factors, the building principal has reasonable suspicion that the student is under the influence of a controlled substance, the student may be required to submit to drug or alcohol testing. The testing may include but is not limited to the analysis of blood, urine, saliva, or the administration of a Breathalyzer test. Reasons for the reasonable suspicion testing shall be documented in writing by the administrator or his/her designee and shall be provided to the student, parent/guardian, and Superintendent.
The Board recognizes that tobacco and vaping products, including the product marketed as Juul and other electronic cigarettes, present a health and safety hazard that can have serious consequences for users, nonusers and the school environment. The purpose of this policy is to prohibit student possession, use, purchase and sale of tobacco and vaping products, including Juuls and other electronic cigarettes.
State law defines the term tobacco product to broadly encompass not only tobacco but also vaping products including Juuls and other electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). Tobacco products, for purposes of this policy and in accordance with state law, shall be defined to include the following:
  1. Any product containing, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, cigar, little cigar, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff and snus. 
  2. Any electronic device that delivers nicotine or another substance to a person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, electronic nicotine delivery systems, an electronic cigarette, a cigar, a pipe and a hookah. 
  3. Any product containing, made or derived from either: 
  1. Tobacco, whether in its natural or synthetic form; or 
  2. Nicotine, whether in its natural or synthetic form, which is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration as a deemed tobacco product. 
  1. Any component, part or accessory of the product or electronic device listed in this definition, whether or not sold separately.
The term tobacco product does not include the following:
  1. A product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product or for other therapeutic purposes where the product is marketed and sold solely for such approved purpose, as long as the product is not inhaled. NOTE: This exception shall be governed by Board policy relating to Medications.[3]
  2. A device, included under the definition of tobacco product above, if sold by a dispensary licensed in compliance with the Medical Marijuana Act. NOTE: Guidance issued by the PA Department of Health directs schools to prohibit possession of any form of medical marijuana by students at any time on school property or during any school activities on school property. This exception shall be governed by Board policy relating to Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia.[4]
The Board prohibits possession, use, purchase or sale of tobacco and vaping products, including the product marketed as Juul and other e-cigarettes, regardless of whether such products contain tobacco or nicotine, by or to students at any time in a school building; on school buses or other vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district; on property owned, leased or controlled by the school district; or at school-sponsored activities that are held off school property.
The Board prohibits student possession or use of products marketed and sold as tobacco cessation products or for other therapeutic purposes, except as authorized in the Board’s Medication policy.
The Board prohibits student possession of any form of medical marijuana at any time in a school building; on school buses or other vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district; on property owned, leased or controlled by the school district; or at school-sponsored activities that are held off school property.
The Board authorizes the confiscation and disposal of products prohibited by this policy.
The Board adopts this policy in order to maintain an educational environment that is safe and secure for district students and employees.  Electronic devices shall include all portable digital devices that can take photographs; record audio or video data; store, transmit or receive messages or images; or provide a wireless, unfiltered connection to the Internet, as well as any new technology developed with similar capabilities. School day shall include from the time the student arrives on school property to the official dismissal time set forth by the district for that particular building.
The Board prohibits use of electronic devices for non-educational purposes by students during the school day in district buildings; on district property; during the time students are under the supervision of the district; and in locker rooms, bathrooms, health suites and other changing areas at any time. Any electronic device in the possession of a student during the school day must be turned off and rendered incapable of signaling the receipt of calls or other data unless authorized by building administrator or employee. Portable digital devices and similar devices may be used on district buses, provided that such devices are used with personal earphones or in such a manner as not to create disruption or annoyance to the driver or other passengers.
Locker Rules and Expectations
Locks must be used by all students for building security reasons. Non-use of the assigned locks will result in student disciplinary action.
Students are assigned lockers for the storage of books, equipment, and materials with school purposes. Each student will be assigned a combination lock with which to secure his or her locker. It is strongly recommended that the assigned combination remain a secret to the locker owner. The school is not responsible for articles lost or stolen from the locker.
Students should get study materials for their morning classes before homeroom and material for their afternoon classes after lunch. No one should leave class to go to their locker. Students may use lockers at the following times.     
  1. Before first period.
  2. Before and after lunch.
  3. Before and after gym class.
  4. At the end of the school day.
  5. Before tutorial.
Students shall have no expectation of privacy in their locker, and the building administration reserves the right to inspect lockers at any time by any means. Any item disclosed by a search can be used for disciplinary action and may be turned over to law enforcement officials. Locker searches may include an individual locker or a series of lockers depending upon the need.
Official police dogs may be used to search lockers.  
Combination Locks are the property of Deer Lakes School District. Students are responsible for their assigned locks. If the lock is damaged or lost, the student will be responsible for its replacement.
Lost and Found
Students who find lost articles are asked to take them to the office where their proper owner can claim them. Items that are turned into the office will not be kept beyond the end of each nine-week grading period. Students who have lost articles should inquire at the office for the possible return of their articles and materials.  
Fire Drills and other Emergency Drills
All students must learn and follow correct emergency drill procedures that maintain safety for themselves and their fellow students. Directions and procedures are posted in each teacher’s room. Teachers will make sure the following directions and procedures will be observed:
  1. When the fire alarm is sounded, students are to move quickly and quietly without shouting, running, or pushing to the designated exit specified by the teacher.
  2. Gaps in student lines are to be kept closed. Students are not to linger and loiter in order to be with friends. It is mandatory that students remain together in a group.
  3. Students in the nurse’s office or restrooms are to vacate the building as quickly as possible.
  4. Students must always follow the directions given to them by teachers.
  5. The school administrator will give the signal when students may return to the building and their classrooms.
  6. Students will return quietly and quickly to their classroom.
In addition to fire drills, the Deer Lakes School District conducts other emergency drills throughout the year.  Students are instructed on the procedures for each of these drills prior to practicing.  These drills may include, but are not limited to, severe weather, building intruder, and outside contamination.
Use of Student Photos and Interviews for Publicity
Individual and/or group interviews, photographs or videotapes of students may be taken during the school year for use in district publications, on the Internet, or by the local media. These methods are used to inform the community about the district's educational philosophy as well as its programs, services and special events. The Deer Lakes School District also facilitates positive media publicity by arranging for interviews and/or photographs of its students.
If you DO NOT want your child's photograph to appear in any of these publications and/or if you DO NOT want your child to be interviewed for publicity purposes, please notify your child's building principal.
The Board recognizes the educational values inherent in student participation in extracurricular activities and supports the concept of student organizations for such purposes as building social relationships, developing interests in a specific area, and gaining an understanding of the elements and responsibilities of good citizenship.
For purposes of this policy, extracurricular activities shall be those programs that are sponsored or approved by the Board and are conducted wholly or partly outside the regular school day; are marked by student participation in the processes of initiation, planning, organizing, and execution; and are equally available to all students who voluntarily elect to participate.
Each school year, prior to participation in an athletic activity, every student athlete and his/her parent/guardian shall sign and return the acknowledgement of receipt and review of the following:
  1. Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Information Sheet.
  2. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms and Warning Signs Information Sheet. The Superintendent or designee shall develop and disseminate administrative regulations to implement the extracurricular activities program. All student groups shall adhere to Board policy and administrative regulations.
Deer Lakes Student Code of Conduct
“We, the students of the Deer Lakes School District, will act in a respectful manner with concern towards our environment to obtain an optimal learning environment. We realize that our mission is to do our best in the learning process. To do this we will be responsible for our own actions. We will act with concern toward ourselves, others, and the environment and we will take full advantage of our learning opportunities.”
Key Points
I.     Responsibility
    a.     To observe school code
    b.     To act in a responsible manner
    c.     To be responsible for my own action.
II.    Respect
    a.     To respect myself
    b.     To respect others
    c.     To respect property
    d.     To respect school personnel              
III.  Concern
    a.     Concern for my well being
    b.     Concern for the well-being of others
    c.     Concern for the environment
IV.  Learning
    a.     To take full advantage of learning opportunities
    b.     To do my best
    c.     Do not CHEAT
For your information, refer to the following pages for detailed information regarding disciplinary concerns. To ensure the fair and reasonable application of the Deer Lakes School District Discipline Policy, it is hereby stated that active administration, based upon certain knowledge of situation or circumstance, exercise sound professional judgment and discretion in the fulfillment of their duties in relation to discipline.  Any and all exercise of this nature shall remain subordinate to the disposition of the Superintendent of Schools.
Detention Guidelines
  • The serving of detention on the days assigned is the responsibility of the student. If a student fails to serve on the originally assigned date, he/she will be assigned a second date. Failure to serve on the second date will result in an in-school suspension.  No reminder will be issued by the office.
  • A change in days for a student’s assigned detention can only be made through a phoned parental request. Parents requesting a change should call the assistant principal’s office no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day the detention is assigned to be served.
  • Students with two or more assigned detentions must serve them consecutively once they have started.
  • Any student absent on the day of an assigned detention is required to serve that detention on the day they return to school.
  • Detention will be conducted from 2:35 p.m. – 3:35 p.m.
  • All students assigned to detention must bring with them enough class-related work to remain academically occupied for the entire assigned detention period. No talking at any time is permitted in the detention room.
Saturday Detention Guidelines
  • Only the Principal may assign a student to a Saturday Detention. A letter and/or phone call shall be used to notify parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student’s Saturday.
  • The Saturday Detention monitors will be given the names of the students and their schedules.
  • Students report to Saturday Detention as assigned. Absences due to emergencies or illness will have the Detention rescheduled. Failure to report to a rescheduled Detention will result in an Out of School Suspension. Exception to this will require a doctor’s excuse.
  • Saturday Detention will be conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. will be considered late and will receive no credit for Saturday Detention. A 3 day Out of School Suspension will result in unexcused absences. Transportation is parental responsibility. Parents must sign child in and out of Saturday Detention.
  • Students attending Saturday Detention must bring books and study material. Students will not be allowed to go to a locker. They must gather their materials on the previous Friday for Saturday Detention. Work must be completed as required by the teacher that assigned the work.
  • There will be no eating, drinking, sleeping, talking, or use of any electrical amusement device in Saturday Detention.
  • There will be no eating, drinking, sleeping, talking, or use of any electrical amusement device in Saturday Detention.
  • All normal school rules apply.
  • The designated In-School Suspension can be assigned in single or multiple day increments.
  • Out of School Suspension is described as such and in accordance with the appropriately outlined step within the policy.
  • The procedure for a 10-day Out of School Suspension is as follows:
  1. Three (3) Day Out of School Suspension given upon initial conference with students and parent/guardian
  2. Conference on or before the 3rd day with student and parent/guardian
  3. Student returns to school with all homework assignment
A student cannot participate in any extracurricular activity while on suspension, whether In-School Suspension or Out of School Suspension.
Transportation Safety Guidelines
The child’s safety is a major concern of the school, but the cooperation of the home and school is necessary to build proper habits of safety. Students who walk to school or to bus stops are to:
  1. Arrive at the bus stop ten minutes before the arrival of the bus.
  2. Respect the property of others, do not cross or walk on lawns, litter, or damage in any way.
  3. Walk on the sidewalk. Where no sidewalk exists, walk facing traffic.
  4. Refrain from playing games on the road while waiting for the school bus.
  5. Obey the special patrol person or crossing guard.
  6. Refuse to enter or approach strange automobiles.
  7. Go directly to school or home before beginning to play.
  8. Be considerate of smaller children.
  9. Be courteous and quiet on the school bus to help the driver avoid accidents.
            Student Responsibilities
  1. Ride only the bus to which they have been assigned. Parents should not request permission for their children to ride another bus unless it is an absolute emergency after discussion with building principal.
  2. Walk on the left side of the highway facing traffic where there are no sidewalks.
  3. Do not play games on the road while waiting for the bus.
  4. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before boarding or leaving a seat.
  5. Go directly to assigned seat when boarding the bus.
  6. Keep books, lunches, etc., on your lap - not in the aisle of the bus.
  7. Keep all parts of the body (hands, arms and head) in the bus.
  8. Talk quietly with your seat mate, but not with the driver when the bus is in motion.
  9. Get off only at assigned stops unless you have written consent of the principal, transportation director, or designee.
  10. Cross the road in front of the bus immediately after discharge.
            Bus Rules and Regulations
  1. The bus driver is in charge of the bus just as the teacher is in charge of the classroom.
  2. Any type of student misbehavior or irregularity which tends to distract the driver, or threatens the safety of passengers, and interferes with the safe operation of the bus must be reported by the driver to the principal.
  3. If the misbehavior recurs, the transportation department will send a written report to the principal who will contact the student and parent.
  4. If the misbehavior continues, the student may receive a disciplinary measure which may include a bus suspension.
  5. The district desires the cooperation of drivers, students and parents in keeping our buses safe. Parents should feel free to contact the school to discuss any problems or concerns.