Deer Lakes

School District

Student Services

Student Services

School Counseling
Students have available to them the services of a school counselor, a social worker, and a school psychologist.  When a need arises, parents or teachers can contact the guidance counselor and after discussion with the parents the counselor will refer the student to the needed services.
The school counselors are responsible for aiding students with their school and personal problems, including those involving educational and vocational decisions, personal adjustment, school achievement, and self-evaluation.  Students and their parents are encouraged to meet with the counselors whenever necessary.   Conferences with regard to scheduling can be arranged during the spring. Students are not to be excused from any class or study hall to visit the guidance office.
Appointments to see the counselor can only be made by contacting the guidance secretary before school or between classes to arrange a convenient meeting time.  Counselors will send for students.
            Course Drop Procedures
  1. In the second semester of each school year, course registration for the following year takes place.
  2. No schedule changes will be made the first day of school.
  3. From day 2 until day 6, students (with parental approval) may request to add or delete classes with the understanding that all previous assignments in the new class must be completed.
  4. Schedule changes for Special Education students must be accommodated by the IEP process.
  5. Students are expected to maintain a minimum of 6 credits each semester.
            Course Withdrawal
  1. Full Year Courses:  After school starts, course changes for year-long courses will only be made at the end of the first nine week report period for students experiencing academic difficulty.
  2. Semester Courses:  Semester course change requests for both the first and second semesters must be made within the first 4- 1/2 weeks of each semester for students experiencing academic difficulty.
  3. Withdrawal from a course after the prescribed time period will result in a failing grade for the year/semester.
The Deer Lakes High School’s School Counseling Department reserves the right to change students’ schedules based on aptitude and for the purpose of individual student achievement.  The School Counseling Office will make students aware of the situation as changes are made; be assured this will only be done with the student’s best interest in mind. The goal of the School Counseling Department is for every child to achieve academically and develop intellectually to his/her fullest ability.
Health Services
Under PA Health Law:
  • Students in grades K, 6 and 11 are required to have a current physical examination.
  • Students in grades K, 3 and 7 are required to have a current dental examination.
  • Students in all grades will have their height and weight measured and a vision screening performed yearly.
  • Students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 11 will have their hearing screening performed yearly.
  • A Scoliosis screening is performed on all sixth and seventh graders.  The purpose of this screening is to detect a possible curvature of the spine.
Any exception to the above screenings or exams must be in the form of a written statement or request from parent/guardian otherwise, they will be performed sometime during the school year. The school nurse’s office is located on the 1st floor across from the main office.
Visits to the nurse’s office are limited to illnesses and injuries that happen during the course of the school day. Students must have written permission (a pass) from their teacher or other staff member before going to the nurse’s office. Only a true emergency will be exempted from this policy.
Students must have all immunizations up to date before attending school.  Please check with your personal medical provider to ensure your student(s) records are current.  Also, make sure the school nurse has current records.  Any student without current immunizations will not be permitted to attend school.
A student should not be sent to school if he or she has a fever, an ear ache, severe headache, skin rash or sore, a severe cold or cough, nausea or vomiting, red inflamed eyes, body mites or head lice, any communicable disease, such as chicken pox, scarlet fever, or strep throat. Children who have a fever or become ill with any of the above will be sent home from school.
Medication during School Hours
Deer Lakes School District strongly recommends that student medications be administered at home, before or after school. If under exceptional circumstances, it is absolutely necessary that the medication be given during school hours, the following guidelines must apply.
  1. For the safety of students, students are not permitted to transport or carry with them ANY medication (prescription or over the counter).  Exceptions to this are for physician ordered medication authorizing students to carry them (ex, inhalers, epi-pens).
  2. No medications will be given back to the student to transport home.
  3. Prescription medication must be in the original prescription labeled container (a duplicate container for school can be obtained from the pharmacist) accompanied the following two items:
  • The Deer Lakes School District Medication Permission Form completed by the prescribing MD, or a written Physician order for the medication.
  • A detailed note from the parent or guardian giving permission for the student to have the medication given to them at school during school hours.  This note must include the date, student, medication, dosage, times given, purpose and signature.    
  1. Non-Prescription medication.  This medication includes any Over-The-Counter Medication or Herbal Remedy.   The above mentioned must be in the Original Sealed Container.  These medications also require a Physician’s Order, and written permission by the Parent or Guardian to be given in the school setting.  Certain schools do not require an order by the students’ Physician for certain medications, as they are already represented in the School Physician Approved Standing Orders.  Please check with your respective School Nurse in regards to this matter.
  2. Students who are authorized by a doctor to carry and/or administer a medication violate the Alcohol and Other Drugs policy if he/she permits another student to take or ingest the medication.
                                The appropriate medication permission forms can be obtained from the school nurse.
Students are permitted to possess asthma inhalers and to self-administer the prescribed medication used to treat asthma when such is parent-authorized. Possession and use of asthma inhalers by students shall be in accordance with state law and Board Policy 210.1.
Before a student may possess or use an asthma inhaler during school hours, the Board shall require the following:
  1. A written request from the parent/guardian that the school complies with the order of the physician, certified registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.
  2. A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
  3. A written statement from the physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant that states:
  • Name of the drug
  • Prescribed dosage
  • Time(s) medication is to be taken.
  • Length of time medication is prescribed.
  • Diagnosis or reason medication is needed, unless confidential.
  • Potential serious reaction or side effects of medication.
  • Emergency response.
  • If child is qualified and able to self-administer the medication.
The student shall be made aware that the asthma inhaler is intended for his/her use only and may not be shared with other students.
The student shall notify the school nurse immediately following each use of an asthma inhaler.
Violations of this policy by a student shall result in immediate confiscation of the asthma inhaler and medication and loss of privileges.
The district reserves the right to require a statement from the physician, certified registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant for the continued use of a medication beyond the specified time period. Permission for possession and use of an asthma inhaler by a student shall be effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year.
A student whose parent/guardian completes the written requirement for the student to possess an asthma inhaler and self-administer the prescribed medication in the school setting shall demonstrate to the school nurse the capability for self-administration and responsible behavior in use of the medication.
            To self-administer medication, the student must be able to:
  • Respond to and visually recognize his/her name.
  • Identify his/her medication.
  • Demonstrate the proper technique for self-administering medication.
  • Sign his/her medication sheet to acknowledge having taken the medication.
  • Demonstrate a cooperative attitude in all aspect of self-administration.
Head Lice
The district maintains a no nit procedure.  The child may return to school when the nurse or child’s physician determines that he/she is nit free.  The child must report to the nurse’s office upon return to school.  A doctor’s excuse is needed if the child is absent more than one day.
Every effort will be set forth to notify you immediately if your child has a serious injury requiring medical attention. It is very important that we have the parent’s working telephone numbers as well as one or two other emergency phone numbers. It is the parent’s responsibility to transport the child for medical care. If necessary, the local ambulance service will be used.
Insurance Program
The school district does not provide medical or hospitalization insurance for students. As such, students are given the opportunity to obtain school insurance early in the school year. Purchased for a nominal fee, this insurance covers students for accidents which occur on the way to or from school, on school premises, while attending or taking part in any school-sponsored and school-super- vised activity, or while participating in intramural activities or gym classes.
When an accident occurs, the insured student must report to the teacher in charge of the activity or to the nurse’s office to receive instructions for filing an insurance claim.
It is advisable for all students to carry the insurance.
A.W. Beattie and Dual Enrollment Students
Although many Deer Lakes students attend A.W. Beattie Technical School or dual enrollment for half of the school day, the Deer Lakes School District is responsible for awarding credit toward high school graduation. Therefore, the attendance policy written for the Deer Lakes High School student does apply to students attending A.W. Beattie or dual enrollment.   Students who participate at A.W. Beattie or dual enrollment must attend a full day of school.
Transportation to A.W. Beattie will be provided by the Deer Lakes School District. Transportation to dual enrollment is not provided by the Deer Lakes School District. Buses will pick up and drop off students only at the main entrance to the building.  Bus departure will not be delayed for students arriving late to the bus stop. Students missing the bus must report immediately to the Attendance Office for an alternate assignment and are not permitted to leave the building. Students who miss the Beattie bus are not permitted to drive or ride to A.W. Beattie unless they have driving/parking/passenger privileges at both DLHS and A.W. Beattie.   Students missing the bus must report to the Attendance Window.  Failure to report to the Attendance Window may cause the student to be considered a half-day truant.
All school district bus regulations apply to buses transporting students to A.W. Beattie and dual enrollment.  All infractions of these transportation policies will be subject to disciplinary action. Continued violations of these transportation policies will be subject to the disciplinary action and will result in reassignment to a full day at Deer Lakes High School.
All A.W. Beattie and dual enrollment students must report directly to the cafeteria upon arriving back to school. Students must arrive and sign in to DLHS before the 10:40 AM bell rings or they are considered tardy and must report to the Attendance Window for a tardy pass.  In the case of Deer Lakes having a two-hour delay due to inclement weather, all A.W. Beattie and dual enrollment students are to report to their assigned homeroom before the 9:45 AM bell rings unless they have turned in the Parental Permission Form, or a written lawful parental/guardian excuse, allowing them to arrive tardy on such days, but they still must arrive and sign in before the 10:40 AM bell rings.
NOTE:   A.W. Beattie students are also given a separate handbook.  Please refer to it for more specific information.